Take Action

What role do you want to play in the climate emergency?

Every single one of us has something valuable to contribute to climate action. Discover what it means for you to get involved. 

Climate action doesn’t need superheroes. It needs all of us. UBC students, faculty, staff and the entire UBC community has a lot to offer. We’ve created a collection of actions you can take under the sections below. Together we can show solidarity for and uplift Indigenous-led climate action, broaden learning in the classroom, move beyond the classroom into community engagement, expand applied research to solve real-world problems, join or organize collective action, change our workplaces, and much more. 

Uplift Indigenous-led
climate action

Join a climate

Broaden your


Vote, organize,
and advocate

Strategize for
collective action

Conduct climate
conscious research

Create a climate
conscious classroom

Work Together With Your Community

Foster an Action-Oriented Workplace

Join events and find more action resources