While we must continue to reduce our emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change, we also recognize our UBC communities are already experiencing the impacts of climate hazards, including wildfires, extreme heat, windstorms, and floods. Here are a few useful resources for building preparedness and resilience.

UBC Ready: Be Prepared for Extreme Weather
Learn about the different types of extreme weather such as extreme heat and windstorms that you may encounter at UBC, and what to do in those situations.
Extreme Heat and Cold

How to Stay Cool in Extreme Heat: Tips and Strategies
A UBC Climate Hub wellbeing series that provides coping strategies for staying cool in extreme heat at an individual level, community level, and systemic level.

City of Vancouver Summer Heat Resources
City of Vancouver map of cooling locations, information on heat-related illness, and tips to stay cool at home and with your family and pets.

Preparing for Cold Weather Events
A UBC Climate Hub wellbeing series that contains tangible strategies and coping mechanisms for supporting systemic, community, and individual wellbeing before, during, and after cold weather events.
Wildfires and Smoke

Be Prepared for Wildfires and Smoke
Know how to stay safe, evacuate, and prevent fires from happening, whether it is an interface fire, wildfire smoke, or a building fire. By UBC Ready.

FireSmart Canada
Learn how to protect your home and community from wildfires, including homeowner manuals and the Neighbourhood Recognition Program.

LIVE Wildfire Smoke Forecast
Know the hazards around you by visiting this interactive map for the latest wildfires and forecasts of PM2.5 smoke particles from those fires.
Floods and Coastline Hazards

BC Flood Preparedness Guide
An in-depth guide on how to be prepared for flood danger in BC, including home improvement methods, what to put in an emergency pack, and communication strategies.

Get Flood Ready
Discover strategies and simple steps to be flood ready that you can take by knowing the risks, preparing your home, helping your community, and staying informed.

Resilient-C: Prepare for Coastal Hazards
Examine the various coastal communities across Canada that are exposed to coastal hazards and discover the actions that they take to address the risks and improve their resiliency.