We are in the climate emergency together.

The climate emergency is here, and UBC is committed to bringing our community together to confront this crisis. We are mobilizing around the community’s urgent demand for climate justice and acting upon UBC’s Climate Emergency Declaration and Task Force Report. 

Most importantly, we must recognize that tackling the climate emergency as a university is not one unit’s responsibility but requires collective responsibility and combined effort from the UBC community as a whole.  

The Sustainability Hub is responsible for convening and coordinating people across UBC to make progress on the CETF report’s recommendations.

Progress on the Climate Emergency at UBC

The second progress review on the climate emergency at UBC since the Board of Governors and Senates unanimously endorsed in principle the Climate Emergency Task Force (CETF) report in early 2021. The Sustainability Hub is responsible for convening and coordinating people across UBC to make progress on the report’s recommendations.

⭐️ New MEL Evaluation Framework ⭐️

The Climate Emergency Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Framework responds to the CETF Report by aiming to provide systematic reporting, evaluation, and learning to deepen UBC’s climate emergency response. 

UBC’s 9 Strategic Priorities

The Climate Emergency Task Force (CETF) report was formed in 2020 based on community input and engagement with over 3,900 students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members. The 9 strategic priorities in the CETF report collectively highlight UBC’s mutually reinforcing roles as a leader, enabler, and partner in addressing the climate crisis. 

Operationalize UBC’s commitments to climate justice: Support climate leadership and initiatives led by Indigenous, Black, and People of Colour

Demonstrate institutional leadership on climate justice

Establish mechanisms and processes that ensure Indigenous perspectives, communities, and worldviews shape the development and implementation of climate related initiatives and policies

Expand, strengthen and coordinate climate research at UBC

Foster a culture of engagement and advocacy on climate action

Support community wellbeing in the face of the climate crisis

Expand climate education opportunities and resources for the UBC community and broader public

Develop new and strengthen existing partnerships to tackle the climate emergency

Accelerate emissions reductions at UBCV and UBCO in response to the Climate Emergency: Climate Action Plan 2030

Events & Stories

Climate Justice is a business responsibility

Thursday, April 3 | 12:30 – 2 pm

This expert panel will discuss the opportunities, constraints and responsibilities that corporations have in adapting their business practices to address the unequal impacts of climate change, considering their different emissions contributions. Speakers will examine the extent to which businesses are able to —and should—be socially and environmentally responsible. 

POWER! – A public talk on the foundations of effective climate advocacy

Tuesday, February 11 | 12:30 – 1:30 pm

Join the UBC Sustainability Hub for a public talk on the “how-to” foundations of effective climate advocacy. Hear from Andrea Reimer, former Vancouver city councillor and current UBC Adjunct Professor, drawing on her experiences from identifying decision-makers, crafting the ask, and gathering support to get the deal done.

The Arsonists Pre-Show Dialogue: Climate, Complicity and Complacency

January 31 | 5:30 – 7 pm

A thought-provoking dialogue on climate action inspired by ‘The Arsonists’ — a timely political satire about the cost of complacency. Participate in this dialogue event to explore ideas about why we resist changes that would reduce climate impacts, and collectively reflect on what we can do to move beyond our complicity to take transformative climate action.

Take Action

Take the NEW Weaving Relations Course

Deepen your understanding of Indigenous histories, people, and contexts, as well as settler colonialism in Canada, through this new self-directed course developed jointly by the Faculty of Applied Science and the Faculty of Land and Food Systems.  

Check out and share the Climate Wellbeing Resource Kit

There are countless climate crises happening globally this summer that many of you or people you know may be experiencing. Check out and share Climate Hub’s resource kit to connect with climate mental health and wellbeing resources, information, and strategies.

Centering Justice in Climate Emergency Response: A Toolkit for Organizations

Tools and resources to embed equity and justice in climate emergency response for a broad range of institutions and organizations working to advance efforts towards equitable and just responses to the climate emergency.

Ready to start a conversation?