Whether in your neighbourhood, school, or community, there are many ways you can lead or join climate initiatives and action.

Be neighbourhood climate champions through Cool Hood Champs, CALP

Bring a Youth Climate Ambassador Project workshop to your classroom, community, or non-profit
- Learn more and take inspiration from the Neighbourhood Climate Action toolkit
- Community Climate Action Planner
- Reduce wildfire risks around your home and community through FireSmart and find out the wildfire risk in your community or neighbourhood with BC Wildland Urban Interface Risk Class Maps
- Enhance urban biodiversity in public spaces through Green Streets Program
- Be prepared for climate risks with the Managing Climate Risks for Professionals, Climate Ready BC: Preparing Together guide
- Introduction to Community Organizing Toolkit, UBC Climate Hub
- BCCIC Climate Justice Toolkit for Municipalities
- Outdoor Engagement for Climate Action: A Toolkit for Garden Educators, UBC Botanical Garden
- Urban Heat Island Mitigation Strategy Toolkit