UBC’s external engagements and partnerships are a critical component of its capacity to accelerate the global shift towards a 1.5°C-aligned future. To leverage these engagements effectively, UBC can support new initiatives and innovations of UBC community members and scale up those that already demonstrate success.
Concurrently, UBC must recognize the strength and value of reciprocity and be willing to create space for the knowledge and best practices of external partners to be integrated into its own institutional policies. Most importantly, UBC’s external engagements cannot be effective without recognizing the importance of active, ethical partnerships with Indigenous, Black, POC and marginalized communities.
Recommendations to support this strategic priority area focus on facilitating knowledge translation, building community partnerships, scaling up Living Lab research with off-campus partners, deepening engagement with external groups, and developing a more robust strategic partnership framework.
UC3 Fellows Pilot Program: UBC led pilot program that invites UC3 member universities to award full- and part-time fellowships to postdocs, graduate students, faculty, and/or staff to become UC3 Fellows tasked with advancing collaborative climate action projects and contributing part time to other university-specific climate action work. Learn more. |
Vienna House Living Lab: UBC’s first off-campus Living Lab project involving research during the design and construction of a new housing community that aims to advance innovative solutions to affordability, climate change, and social equity. Partners include the City of Vancouver, BC Housing, non-profits, and industry. July 2021. Learn more. |