Join us for a week of vibrant celebration featuring panels; film screenings; networking; cultural performances centering climate-vulnerable communities; and knowledge-sharing from local organizations.
In this moment of present and imminent crisis, it is more crucial than ever that UBC as an educational institution—and as a community—strives to cultivate enduring multidisciplinary, intergenerational, intersectional solidarities around climate justice and decolonial pedagogies. To assist UBC in gaining traction toward this action, the UBC Sustainability Ambassador team, working under the UBC Sustainability Hub is hosting a week-long Transformative Solidarities Festival with the support of our partners, including the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, UBC Exposure, and UBC Hatch Gallery. Our events will feature panels; film screenings; networking; cultural performances centering climate-vulnerable communities; and knowledge-sharing from local organizations.
Through this festival, which is also a part of SDG Week Canada, we hope to collectively counter cycles of institutional silences and climate inaction by engaging, bringing together, and celebrating diverse communities across generations, disciplines, and academia.