What can the climate movement learn from labour strategy for building durable power?
On behalf of the first graduating cohort for the UBC Climate Studies and Action Certificate Program, we would like to invite you to join us for an exciting upcoming event that you don’t want to miss!
Event Title: Labour organizing and climate justice: intersections, challenges, and political opportunities
When: March 12, 5-6.30 pm
Where: Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability (CIRS), BC Hydro Theatre (1st floor)
Description: Advancing faster and more just climate action is necessary, yet the climate movement appears to be in a holding pattern, experiencing a lull in energy and vision. Labour organizing has a much longer history, with its own ebbs and flows, failures and successes. Recently, organized labour has accomplished a number of historic wins, in a challenging economic climate. This panel will address two entwined questions: What can the climate movement learn from contemporary and historic labour strategy for building durable power? And, how can the climate and labour movements mutually strengthen one another?
Panelists: Gabriella Doebelli (SRO Collaborative), David Black (Move up), Jen Kostuchuk (Worker Solidarity Network), Tara Ehrcke (BC Teachers Federation)
Sponsored by: Centre for Climate Justice, Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability, Geography Students’ Association, Centre for Community Engaged Learning, Climate Hub, Sustainability Hub | Climate Emergency Response, and the Department of Geography